ASH WEDNESDAY begins the season of Lent, a time of reflection on our lives and the way we live. This "springtime of our soul" continues for 5 weeks until Palm Sunday, the week before Easter.
During these days we offer mid week services on Wednesdays at 11am, followed by a soup lunch, and 6:30pm, with wine, cheese and other snacks in a relaxed atmosphere around the Cross. On Palm Sunday, we celebrate Jesus' Triumphal entrance into Jerusalem. During Holy week, our Maundy Thursday worship, at 11am and 6:30pm, focuses on Jesus instituting the Holy Communion. Good Friday comes with the Seven Last Words of the Cross, a continuous service with short breaks between the words. Then at 7pm we offer an Adoration of the Cross and Tenebrae worship. EASTER brings our joyous celebration of Christ's resurrection.
How great to give thanks to God always and we do that at our THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP. Beginning at 7pm we bring food to restock our pantry, sing the favorite hymns of thanks then gather around God's table of grace to receive Christ in bread and wine.
The Season of Advent fills our hearts with anticipation and prepares our spirits to welcome the Savior of the Word, born in Bethlehem. For four weeks we look forward to the coming of Christ.
Then on the Eve of Jesus' birth we light our candles, sing our carols, and celebrate. It's CHRISTMAS! Our New Year's Eve worship then sends out the old and welcomes the new!